1. We often offer to pet sit for our friends. Even though Aspen is rather mean to other dogs, with careful introductions she can get to the point of tolerating them. It turns out our friends love labs. The labs never exactly behave for us. Between the incessant search for food, the whining at 1am, 3am, and 6am, and the constant pacing, we have concluded we will never be lab owners. The lab we so kindly offered to take care of this weekend, has an additional annoyance to the above list, humping (I wish I could think of a more creative term, but it is what it is). He has attacked Aspen to the point she no longer fights back and is also quite fond of me. I was sitting next to Aspen when my attack occurred. I have never felt so violated or helpless as when that dog wrapped his legs around my shoulders and went to town. Here is a picture of the aftermath...
2. I purchased my first pair of knee high boots. On sale and with a gift card, good deal all around. I am not sure I love them because my height causes the boots to hit me a little higher than knee level.
3. My mom is coming in less than a week! My mom is coming in less than a week! Actually both of our moms are coming in less than a week!
4. On a not so happy note, my dad just had major surgery. Of course he is making it seem as if its no big deal, but hello, getting a tumor removed from your heart is a big deal. I am worried about his recovery, and possibly planning a trip to go take care of him... ( I know you are reading this dad, so here is my shout out at how much I think about you!)
5. Will and I decided that we were spending too much "nothing" time in front of a computer screen so we went to the public library. I checked out two books on adoption. My desire right now is to some how "acquire" a child. Adoption could take forever and pregnancy, um not now, please.

6. The job market here is awful. The jobs listed consist of manual labor, child care, or nurses. It is frustrating because the manual labor jobs usually require some associates degree, a degree that costs less and took less time to complete than mine. I have made fliers for house cleaning and dog walking, both of which require no high school or college education. I have to keep telling myself that our time here is short and I will be back in school soon.