2. I am nearly positive I felt little kicks/spasms from the babe yesterday morning. I thought I had felt them for a couple of days, but I think yesterday confirmed what I had been feeling. It was in the same spot over and over again. I have not felt them today, but I read that this early they are still random movements versus the intentional, get me out of here, ones when the baby is bigger.
3. Will and I have been spending lots of quality time together. We celebrated our two year anniversary at a fancy restaurant we had not been to before. It was so delicious. And since Will made the reservations for 5:30, we had the restaurant to ourselves, ha. We also went to a bed and breakfast this past weekend called, The Howler's Inn. There is a wolf sanctuary in the side yard and the inn is run by a really sweet family. It was neat to get away, even if it was fifteen minutes from home. We are going to the Banff Film Festival (features extreme outdoor films) tonight and having a couple over for home made pizzas before hand.
4. I think I mentioned I got a "job" working for a business called Chryssy's Characters. Chryssy gets calls from people who would like various characters (Cinderella, Snowwhite, etc.) paint faces/blow up balloons at their children's party. I have dressed up for two parties and will be face painting this weekend at a home fair. It is a fun job, but Will keeps reminding me I can not be a pregnant princess. So it might be coming to an end soon.

5. I made the best beef enchiladas last night. I felt so proud of myself. One of my "resolutions" was to attempt to plan meals for the week and I did that the best I could this week. I also made another "resolution" to try and read more. I have blown through three books already. Water for Elephants, Same kind of Different as Me, and Saving CeeCee Honeycutt. I put resolutions in quotations because I do not actually write them down, I just make a mental note of what I want to change.
I am off to finish the rest of the enchiladas. Yum!