I spent all of last week in Texas. My sweet mother, always serving our family, needed me to take care of her for a short bit. So off Eliza and I went to Texas. Even though the circumstances were a bit unfortunate, the time ended up being really great.
I think the highlight was when my brother decided to surprise my mom and fly in for the weekend. Neither of us have seen him in a year and he had not met Eliza yet. It was wonderful to all spend some time together, even if it was so short. Eliza was great the entire time (well, except for night, she woke every two hours). We even grabbed some mexican food, but mexican food without dairy is just is not quite as amazing as mexican food with diary.
Overall, it was a much needed time away from my cave I created for myself. I needed the push to leave and this trip was just that. I am very thankful I was finally able to just focus on Eliza and have a chance to really know her. I am eager to get to spend more time with my brother. He is still trucking away on his Special Forces training and will be finished next Spring. I am blessed to have him as my daughter's uncle, he loves them so well.
And this is what Madison did while Will was in charge of her. He did such a good job of caring for her. I think they needed some quality time together. Madison and Eliza are some lucky ladies to have a father like Will.