I really do not enjoy blogging with out having pictures to show, but I figured an update is an update.
Our moms were here for the weekend and it was fabulous. We did a lot of "mom" things (ha, poor William...) The Sweet Pea Festival was this past weekend and they had lots of various, artsy forms of entertainment. We went to the arts and crafts show, viewed the flower arrangement contest, ate some chocolate covered frozen bananas, saw a dance team (from Houston) perform, and of course had lots of mom-bought meals. It was really wonderful to have our moms together. I am pretty sure they stayed up all night talking (they stayed in a hotel together three blocks from our house). I never knew that I would have wanted my two moms to get along before I got married, but I am really thankful that they do. So because of the fun we were having with them in town, the long run got pushed back to Monday.
I have off work for the next two weeks while the family I nanny for is out of town, pretty awesome. Which is why I had all day to run, and run all day is exactly what I did.
I am pretty much discouraged right now because of how badly our long runs have gone. The pattern seems to be every other week our long runs are just awful.
12 Miles = terrible, first three miles up hill, second three miles downhill (then reverse because we turned around at six miles)
13 Miles = pretty good, mostly flat or downhill
16 Miles = not my favorite, lots more hills than expected
17 Miles = stayed pretty strong through out the run, mostly flat
18 Miles = hills, lots and lots of hills
So I am thinking the pattern has more to do with the amount of hills than the week. Today, we ran nine miles and then turned around, but the last three miles of the first nine were ALL uphill. I had not realized it at the time, but we had quite a lot of hills going back also. After running up for so very long, I just wanted to throw my hands up in the air and say "I quit, I hate you stinkin' hills." I am pretty sure I did just that. We had five miles left. Two and half up hill and two and half down hill. I could not get my body to move up those hills. We ended up walking way too much the last nine miles. Its embarrassing and I feel defeated.
I get discouraged fairly easily, especially when it feels like I am not getting better. Will is an amazing encourager and is constantly telling me I am doing great. He feels he always has to be the strong one since I cry so easily during the runs (not my best trait). He struggled through our run today also because he has been sick for a week.
I know that running this far is hard for others to really understand, I am not sure I understand either. I want this training for the marathon to be more than just running. Setting a goal to run a marathon is definitely about more than just running. If I just wanted to run, I would run five miles. During each long run, I get to feel my mind reach a place that refuses everything; running, walking, talking, thinking, feeling. It is strange and indescribably. I would like to be able to push past that point, but right now I let it overtake me. I think that is the point of me running a marathon, to be stronger in every sense.
Sorry for the ramblings about running. It is pretty much the only think I have to work towards right now in my life. Well, that, and being a better wife.
On a brighter note, I just scheduled a $35 massage for tomorrow morning. A little reward for my failure of a run.