1. Aspen has been quite the early riser since we got back from D.C. She has been waking us up between 6:30 and 7:00 every morning. And by "waking us up," I mean, whining and staring at me until I open my eyes. Once my eyes open, its all over. So I get up, feed her, and crawl back into bed. I am usually unable to go back to sleep at this point because her eating/slurping noises keep me up. Today, Will counted that she took 158 drinks of water. Seriously Aspen, 158 slurps?
2. Following up with number one, we were up pretty early this morning. So we rewarded our alarm clock and took her to breakfast.

3. I ran 10 sets of 800 meters yesterday. That is two times around the track at a 7:30 mile pace, ten times. This marathon training is getting pretty old. I would seriously consider backing out, but our moms just decided to fly into Denver and watch us run. I am really excited about this, but also nervous that our moms might witness one of my hysterical crying fits when I do not want to run anymore.
4. I spent over an hour yesterday watching these amazing wedding videos. I can not even begin to imagine how much a video like this would cost, but they are beautiful. This one is by far my favorite, http://vimeo.com/12991473.
5. After watching all of these people I will never know exchange wedding vows, I decided to find ours. When we first got married, I had wanted to frame them. (I think I might do that today...) As I sat and watched these strangers exchange their vows, I wondered if they truly realized how precious those words are. Unfortunately, I am all too familiar with how easily it is to completely ignore the promises I made on January 9, 2009. I am thankful to have found the vows again and hopefully be more aware of the significance of this whole marriage thing.
I, Stephanie, take you, William, to be my wedded husband to have
and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse in
sickness and in health for richer or for poorer to love and to
cherish till death does us part or until the Lord comes according
to God’s holy ordinance and thus I pledge to you my faithfulness
and love.
sickness and in health for richer or for poorer to love and to
cherish till death does us part or until the Lord comes according
to God’s holy ordinance and thus I pledge to you my faithfulness
and love.
6. I really wish I had a detailed fall wardrobe. We keep receiving these clothing magazines that have adorable fall clothes with not so adorable price tags. For example, Robert Redford has now started a women clothing company. Well, I just want to tell Robert, "stop sending me your stinkin' magazine because no matter how much I might want that super cute outfit the middle aged model is wearing on your cover, I will never be able to pay $600 for the getup."
Another twenty miles tomorrow, woohoo!
That is all.
Another twenty miles tomorrow, woohoo!
That is all.
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