Today was my last practice with the girls. They actually have a tournament on Saturday, but due to a prior engagement (you know that marathon I have rambled on about) I will not be there. They were such a good group of girls and I gave them my two cents on how to navigate through life. I created awards for each one and they all brought sugary treats for this morning's practice. I finally took a picture with the girls, it is a bit blurry.

It seems that I must start the job searching again, but first I need to get through this weekend. We leave at 5 pm tonight for Denver. We will then drive to see Will's sister, Becca, and her new puppy wuppy. We will spend the night with her and head back to the airport to pick up the mommas. I have been trying to rest, eat lots, and watch motivational videos to get me pumped for the race.
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