
My Life As A Housewife

...is pretty uneventful

I wake up around 7:15 am and lay in bed until Will leaves to teach at 8:00 am.

I make the bed.

Try and figure out what to eat because as of lately everything is repulsive, pb&J this morning nearly made me hurl.

Read the bible and journal before I open the computer.

Clean up a bit.

Look for jobs, check email, gossip websites, waste time.

Will gets home and laughs because I am most likely not dressed yet.

Get excited because someone has responded about a resume I sent them, oh shoot, just another scammer. The only people who want to hire me are scammers. I usually send them an email back telling them what lame-os they are.

Go to a coffee shop (study for GRE that is on the 19th), knit, make headbands, pet the doggie, maybe get ready for the day at this point.

Work out at the climbing gym.

(Note: not every day is identical to this. Some days I actually get called to substitute or babysit for someone or work at the Help center or go to Erin's for Monday night football. Like today I officially applied to graduate school. I need some more misc. papers sent to them, but pretty much done.)

So this should pretty much explain the lack of blog posts. And my camera is dead. And snow is officially everywhere.

Oh, I forgot to add how much of a thoughtful wife I am, and how I never complain about anything!!


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