How far along: 20 Weeks, that is half-way to 40!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: catching up to Will
Maternity Clothes: I didn't wear any maternity clothes this week. Just the over sized jeans that I bought. I also purchased some actual maternity shorts for when I move back to Texas. I can totally see myself wearing them as non-maternity shorts though, they are pretty cute.
Gender: one or the other I am sure
Movement: The movement is pretty predictable these days. When I am eating or right after I ate, when I am sitting or resting, and when I wake up in the morning. It just feels like my stomach muscles are seizing over and over again.
Sleep: We went to Missoula so Will could attend a Wild-life conference on Wednesday and just got back home today. Well, we stayed in a hotel and I slept beautifully. I am not sure if it was because of the awesome bed and completely dark room or the fact that the carpet muffled all of Aspen's noises.
What I miss: I still miss being warm. Gosh, it is numbingly cold. So cold that when we arrived back home today, one of our water pipes to the shower had frozen. The pipe runs INSIDE the wall of our apartment, that is how cold it got. I want to be tan also. That sounds really shallow, but I just love the feel of the sun on my skin.
Cravings: Still Cold-Stone's Cotton Candy ice cream. I have not indulged because I really want to try and minimize my sugar intake. Which means that by the time I think about wanting the ice cream I have already had enough sugar to last a lifetime that day.
Symptoms: I still itch.
Best Moment this week: Getting back to Bozeman safely despite the winter storm that hit Montana while we were traveling to Missoula. Oh, and THREE days until the ultrasound.

I think it is love. You can barely see her tongue sticking out, but she was just practicing cleaning the baby.
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