to share what has really been going on....
14 weeks pregnant! |
and, no, that belly is not the result of a few too many holiday cheers (I wish), that is baby B number two!
I kept hoping that some creative way to share the news would come to me, but no such luck. I finally decided to take a picture of the growing midsection because, well, I actually got dressed.
Even though no one has actually asked me any of these questions, I thought it would be nice to include answers to some questions someone out there might possibly be wondering, so here it goes.
-But you just had a baby, was this, um, planned?
Lets just say that, after Madison, we pretty much figured out where babies come from.
The baby is due around June 17, which will make the babes roughly two years apart. We decided that we would rather finish the baby years while we were still in them, instead of waiting until Madison is 4 or 5. This will likely be my last pregnancy and two years age difference seems ideal to me.
-How are you feeling?
I have felt better.
When I was pregnant with Madison, I literally had nothing to do. Just sit and watch my belly grow. I worked out everyday, I got dressed, I cleaned, I did normal everyday things, except for feeling extra emotional, I felt pretty good.
This pregnancy, has made me a zombie. I think that the sheer energy it requires to keep up with Madison is taking everything I got. I have still attempted to work out, but every other day is about all I can manage. Often times I am already exhausted from getting us all dressed and out the door for a run.
I am also filled with a bit more apprehension about welcoming a new baby into our lives. With Madison, we lived in a state of oblivious bliss. I thought that Madison would be my own real-life baby doll. Because Madison is somewhat of a struggle still, I am extremely nervous about handling two children. Those newborn days are incredibly fresh in my mind and they were some dark times for me. My prayer is that this baby will give me only what I can handle and that my mom moves up here in June!
-Are you going to gain 50 pounds again?
Looks like it. I have already gained seven, so that puts me right on track to gain those lovely 50 pounds.
With Madison, I had extreme anxiety over how much weight I was packing on. So much anxiety, that my normally low blood pressure, would sky-rocket after they told me my weight.
Before I got pregnant this time, I told myself to just enjoy this pregnancy, especially since its my last. I am attempted to do that. I am giving into my cravings a lot more this time and just kind of letting the weight gain occur. I am still trying to be healthy because exercise and eating right help me mentally, but I am trying not to freak out over the numbers.
Pregnancy is such a short period of time and I want to try to enjoy this time as much as possible because I can not get it back. Lets hope that the second trimester will give way to more energy!
-Will you be finding out the gender?
We have decided to keep the gender a surprise until the birth. Since I already know what it is like to find out the gender before the baby is born, I would like to know what it is like to wait. I think that waiting will be a lot easier this time because I am so preoccupied with Madison, I hardly give this pregnancy much thought. I also already got the feisty girl I wanted, so I am fine with either one. If I had to guess, I would say this baby is a girl because the heart rate has been extremely high just like Madison's was.
-How is Will doing?
Will is much more enthusiastic about this baby than I am. Which I am really thankful for. With Madison he was a bit concerned, considering he was still in graduate school with no future job lined up. His peace of mind comes from knowing we have a stable living environment coupled with a stable income. He also knows now how much fun children can be and is looking forward to having another. He is a bit nervous that this baby might be a girl and he will be forever surrounded by emotional Stephanie 2.0s.
And there you have it, all the details you may or may not have wanted to know.
Oh, I forgot....
-What does Madison think about becoming a big sister?