
weekend iPod pictures

1. Trying out some pigtails. She was not too thrilled about them. 

2. Helping dad scatter the grass clippings Friday night. Quite the exciting task. 

3. Will playing in Madison's room on Saturday. 

4. My outfit of the day on Saturday. We were going shopping. 

5. She finally let us put the helmet on. She previously would cry in sheer terror. We rode our bikes to some trendy little shops a couple of blocks from us. 

6. My purchases. They were all bought at consignment shops. Afterwards, Will said, "you know you can buy clothes that aren't used." 

7. We finally arrived in Breckenridge and we were letting her roam free in the parking lot. 

8. My loves. 

9. Ceremony? What ceremony? Lets just play in the forest! 

10. Finally passed out after the wedding. She refused to sleep on the drive to Breckenridge and was in constant motion at the wedding. So baby was sleepy. 

11. This was her on the drive to Breck. We were playing the game where she throws all her toys and I pick them up, it is really fun. 

12. Riding her own bike in one of the shops in Breck. 

That about sums up our weekend. I am thankful it is a short week because Will has to work early two mornings this week and I am not the biggest fan of getting up and out of bed at 6:30 to take care of miss.


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