Our wee little one turned eight months last Tuesday. This week has been a bit chaotic with friends from Bozeman in town, an inspection on our house (I say, "ours" loosely, because if the seller does not agree to the fixes, we will probably walk), and lovely weather to keep us occupied. So I am just now taking her picture, hopefully she has not changed too much since Tuesday.
At eight months:
* Madison is squawking more than ever. Loud, high pitched, shrieks, it is wonderful. She even repeats my shrieks. I can say, "madison, say AHH" and she will repeat that same sound. Its a game I could play all day.
* Sleep was scarce this month. Due to the sickness that plagued us last month, she got fairly use to us coming in and hanging out with her at night. So operation, get madison to sleep, took place again two nights ago. We plopped those ear plugs in, turned on the bathroom vents, and left her alone until the morning. Pretty sure she was up for over two hours crying/talking, at least we slept. She seems to have gotten the hint and is back to sleeping for longer periods of time.
* She is so close to crawling. Rocking on all fours, moving forward inch by inch. She has even attempted to pull up on our couch. Unfortunately, she fell backwards and has not tried again. She also has a talent of making her way to the dog food bowl no matter where I place her on the floor.
* She has discovered how to pull her sheet off the mattress. We had to take her bumper out because she was spending all her nap time attacking it. So she might be sleeping with out a sheet soon.
* We can ask her, "where is Aspen?" and she looks around to find her.
Overall, she keeps getting cuter and cuter. Will says, "Just when we think she can't get any more adorable, she does something that makes her more adorable." I know, we are her parents, and blah, blah, blah, but we are really enjoying her and all her personality quirks. Parenthood, when we are able to sleep, is really growing on us.
At eight months:
* Madison is squawking more than ever. Loud, high pitched, shrieks, it is wonderful. She even repeats my shrieks. I can say, "madison, say AHH" and she will repeat that same sound. Its a game I could play all day.
* Sleep was scarce this month. Due to the sickness that plagued us last month, she got fairly use to us coming in and hanging out with her at night. So operation, get madison to sleep, took place again two nights ago. We plopped those ear plugs in, turned on the bathroom vents, and left her alone until the morning. Pretty sure she was up for over two hours crying/talking, at least we slept. She seems to have gotten the hint and is back to sleeping for longer periods of time.
* She is so close to crawling. Rocking on all fours, moving forward inch by inch. She has even attempted to pull up on our couch. Unfortunately, she fell backwards and has not tried again. She also has a talent of making her way to the dog food bowl no matter where I place her on the floor.
* She has discovered how to pull her sheet off the mattress. We had to take her bumper out because she was spending all her nap time attacking it. So she might be sleeping with out a sheet soon.
* We can ask her, "where is Aspen?" and she looks around to find her.
Overall, she keeps getting cuter and cuter. Will says, "Just when we think she can't get any more adorable, she does something that makes her more adorable." I know, we are her parents, and blah, blah, blah, but we are really enjoying her and all her personality quirks. Parenthood, when we are able to sleep, is really growing on us.

The last picture is her waving. I am almost certain she knows how to wave and say "hi" at the same time.
And, photo shoot over. My little escape artist. I totally understand why cribs are designed the way they are, as cages to keep children contained.
Its another beautiful day and my family is pacing, itching to get outside. Looks like we are headed on a hike.
I have more pictures to put up, so hopefully soon, I will be up to date with what we have been up to.
Its another beautiful day and my family is pacing, itching to get outside. Looks like we are headed on a hike.
I have more pictures to put up, so hopefully soon, I will be up to date with what we have been up to.
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