I took these pictures as we were walking out the door to the airport. As you can tell Madison was not too keen on having her picture taken. I think her face is hilarious.
Month nine was a huge month for her, she was bottling up all her milestones so we could experience them all at once and uncle Grant could witness them all also.
* She finally got a tooth. It is almost all the way up and has been sharp to the bite for a couple of weeks now. It will be absolutely adorable once it is all the way in.
* She is crawling. She finally figured it out and there is no stopping her now. She always pushes up to a bear crawl and acts as if she just wants to walk. I really hope walking is still a few months away, no rush baby girl, no rush.
* She started talking. Saying baba at first and now its mama and just mom. Mama is used to describe anything, so I can not gloat too much, but it is still music to my ears. I could listen to her talk all day, it is just the sweetest sound.
* She is a maniac about food, but still loves nursing. She is an expert eater and chewer. She can mash almost anything and just throws it up if its too big for her. Throwing up all over herself ain't no thang for her, just means she can eat more.
* Her expressions change every day. I wish I could capture and remember them all. We continue to be entertained by all the ways she expresses herself.
* She is really learning cause and effect. I am bias, but I feel she really catches on easily to games we play with her. She knows when she is not supposed to eat or touch something because she whines the entire time she is doing something she shouldn't, ha.
* She loves tags. She rubs the tag to her baby doll to soothe herself at night. She has rubbed all the print off of it. She has an uncanny ability to find tags on everything, its pretty impressive.
* She can pull up to stand on almost anything. She just developed this skill over the trip to Hawaii. She is just one step closer to escaping her crib.
* She is still a stranger charmer. It warms my heart to hear how many people tell us she made their day by smiling at them. I love this about her. I love that she will stare at someone until they make eye contact with her and then burst into a huge smile. I pray this tendency to brighten people's day remains.
* We just discovered her love of eating sand. Pictures to proof this love coming soon. Sand and salt water were a diet staple in Hawaii.
This month has really been the best yet. I for real want to bottle her up and freeze all these moments. I say that every month, but I think I really mean it this month. We both can not seem to get enough of her and all that she is offering to our family.
Oh, I just got her ears pierced an hour ago. Can not wait to take pictures once she wakes from her nap.
We love her so much that there have even been a few, I emphasize few, moments of thinking we might want to do this all again. It was looking pretty iffy there for a while.
My sassy little girl.
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