
scenes from our weekend

Or rather, one scene from the weekend. 

Denver was hit with its first blizzard of the year. I think there was over a foot of snow. We did not do much the entire weekend. Well, Will shoveled the sidewalks four times and I just sat inside while Madison kept screaming, "NOE, NOE, NOE," which is snow, with out the s. 

Even though Denver is quite the large city, they seem to struggle with getting roads plowed. As in, they do not plow roads other than highways. So I am sitting here debating whether or not I should attempt to getting the car out of the garage to go to the gym. Yesterday when we tried to leave we got stuck three times in the alleyway. Kind of funny, but would not be as funny if I was alone, stuck in the alleyway.

I am really ready for spring. I know that the snow is essential to prevent wild fires this summer and such, but I really miss sunshine. I struggle with taking Madison out in the snow because I get really cold, but I also go crazy just sitting inside. Oh well, it is still a lot better than Montana.

I think there is going to be another wave of snow coming tomorrow night, eek. 

Hope all my Texas friends are enjoying their short sleeves and cute outfits! 



Emily Powell said...

um...it's kind of cold ish in TX...for TX that is. ha!

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