This week started off with me being a grumpy pants. I thrive off of routine and when I could not make it to the gym because of my hip, I was in a mood. To top off the no gym thing, we had another unexpected snow. I pouted all day Monday and Tuesday.
Then on Wednesday, we met up with a friend from Bozeman at the aquarium. Visiting the actual aquarium was a disaster, but it was a beautiful sunny day. The aquarium is more for older children, I think. Or for other children other than mine. There was a mass field trip taking place and Madison insisted on just running through the entire place. I thought surely this would be a scene from a crime show where I am screaming, "she's gone, but she was just right there, now she is vanished!" It was a bit too stressful for me.
Then yesterday Will adjusted his schedule and we went to the zoo. It was incredibly warm and great to be outside all day. Madison ran around like a crazy person, but with Will's help, I could manage it. She was wiped out afterwards. She especially loved the, "kitttys, kittys..." (the humungous lions)
Then today, I made it to the gym. I still took it easy, but it was nice to move a bit. I then headed to the grocery store to get our weekly groceries, only to discover I had left my wallet at home. They refused my check and would not take my credit card manually. So I double backed and got my wallet. At least the fiasco wore Madison out because she is still down for a nap.
Earlier in the week when we were snowed in, I did more potty training prep with Madison. Meaning, she runs around pant less and pees all over the house. The progress I will report is that now she knows when she pees and you know the other thing. She comes running to me and tells me. The non-progress is that she has yet to make it in the potty. Oh well, what else did I have to do on our snow days besides wipe up my child's messes.
She decided to put on Will's boots after work during our potty training days. So excuse the little baby bottom.
I managed to take another picture of my bump. Non of these photos are consistent or very high quality, but I feel I must make some effort to show this next babe I am thinking of it. This is me at almost 27 weeks. I was very thankful I could wear a skirt because none of my pants fit, I may have had my first breakdown this week over my expanding body (it probably had to do with me not being able to work out...).
It is another beautiful day. When Madison wakes up we will likely sit outside the rest of it. We are also hosting a potluck for a couple of our parent friends tomorrow. It should be a good weekend.
Georgia calls the lions kitty cats at the zoo too! Haha! Sweet girls!
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