Being 35 weeks pregnant, means I have roughly 35 days left in this pregnancy.
I feel I am getting a bit antsy for my due date, but know I need to reign that in. I sat outside yesterday knowing that we only have 35 days left of just us three. I remember with Madison, knowing that our lives would forever be changed, and I should make the most of just our time, but I had no idea how to really do that. I feel that same way again. I know that in a short period of time, we will have another child to love and know. We will always remember our time of just us three, but from the point of this child's birth on, we will always be a family of four and never be able to go back to just the three of us. It is just strange to know we are on the brink of a huge change. Knowing that we do not know this child growing inside of me at all, but sometime, very soon, we will love it just as well as we do Madison.
So I am getting anxious to start our new chapter, but I know that the hear and now will soon be our past.
This weekend I had a lot of the symptoms I had when I was in my last two weeks with Madison. Just overall really achy and slow. I am all for fully cooked babies, so I get a bit nervous that this baby might come early. However, I think the better way to look at it is my body is just getting a head start on the prep work for labor.
I have also completed everything on our baby to do list, except for last minute cleaning. It leaves my days wide open to do nothing but just be. I think this is a good thing, but the part of me that must keep busy, is sort of freaking out. But, once again, I have to remind myself, this time is fleeting. I will never have just one child to worry about again, so I should enjoy my one, independent, child now.
So we are pretty much just coasting until June 17th. We have two weekends of visitors in a row, but then its just a waiting game for us. I will try my hardest to enjoy the waiting game this time around.
I feel the same way right now about moving though and just *thinking* about having another baby!
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