Yesterday, Madison turned two. The second year went by much faster to me. I am sure every year is just going to get faster and faster, but if it they are all spent with Madison, that is fine.
We put together her Ikea kitchen on Saturday night and she woke up to it all assembled. So far she seems to really enjoy it. She even fixed us all coffee this morning.
We then took her on a date for breakfast. We have not gone anywhere with just her since Eliza was born. I think she was tickled that she had mom and dad all to herself.
I stopped doing the monthly highlights when she turned one, but I will write out some of the things she does at age two:
* She is pretty much potty trained, seeing her little bottom in those princess panties is too much for me to handle.
* She is still really independent and is not afraid to venture off on her own. She is curious about everything and is not at all hesitant to go off and check everything out.
* She has finally started to put three words together. She was abit slower in the language development, but I think she is finally catching on. She still adds "e" in front of things, "e mama, e dog, e dada, etc." I think it is her version of the, or a.
* She is a climber and still is fearless. This both excites me and makes me nervous. I try not to let on that it makes me nervous when we are at parks, but sometimes when she shoots down those eight feet slides, my stomach flips.
* She seems to be taking on the big sister role with pride. She is constnatnly checking in on Eliza and is gets concerned when she does not know where she is.
* She is in the do everything herself stage. Most walks she ends up pushing the stroller for us and holding Aspen's leash.
She just does so many funny things, it is hard to keep up. I really feel she has changed so much between 18 months and 24 months. She is a real life kid to me, not a baby. I think the real parenting stuff is beginning now. The discipline and the shaping of her character have begun. She is soaking everything up everything about what this world is about and how to navigate it.
With every passing day I love her a bit more. It is strange to think that she would not even exist if it had not been for Will and me. I am so thankful for her life and how I get to watch her constantly evolve.
Wow, I wish G was fully potty trained. She is just now starting to tell us she needs to go...other wise I still take her every 30 minutes. It's hard work!
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