

We went to Breckenridge for the weekend. It was an impending trip that we had planned for two months.  I have had this Breckenridge trip in the back of my mind when Eliza refused to sleep, when I could barely function from no sleep, when finances were getting a bit tight, I just kept thinking, should we be doing this? Well, it turns out the trip was beyond worth it. 

We went with a family that I met when we first moved to Denver. Their oldest daughter and Madison met when they were both three months old and now we have both added another girl to the group. We booked a house that was two blocks from downtown Breckenridge. We pretty much just did our everyday shuffle, nap times, lunch time, play at park time, but nestled in a mountain town. Vacationing with another family with kids was so wonderful. There was no pressure to go out and do much because we all had a mutual understanding that we were fairly limited with four children.

It is amazing what driving a little over an hour and staying for 48 hours can do to my mindset. I needed this trip to help me see beyond the walls of my house and the babies that do not sleep. I felt recharged and more accepting of our life circumstances right now. I am continually being reminded that we are in such a fantastic place and living a life that is exceeding all the dreams we had hoped would happen.

Now, we just need to get someone, anyone, in our family to buy a place in a mountain town for us to escape. 

Getting four people to look at the camera and smile is nearly impossible.

We rode the gondola up to the base of the slopes. We were wildly out of place. Every one else on the mountain was decked out in their snow gear, killing it on the slopes, with out a care in the world. We also found it amazing how many "ski bums" drive Audis.  I am sure some day we will make it all the way up the mountain with our girls, but I was more than happy to just watch everyone. 

This was a perfectly timed trip because on Thursday Will is getting his wisdom teeth taken out. I want to be a good nurse for him, but worried my two helpers might not make that possible. Lets all pray for a quick and speedy recovery, he is my wing man.


Emily Powell said...

Getting away is so good for the soul. And, I've felt so out of place before but it's all about perspective.

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