
six months


 Little Eliza Lynn is six months old. This is a bit late, but I am going to try and play catch up from the past month. We spent the majority of December in Texas and just got back yesterday. It was a blessed trip with some much needed family time. It is hard to remember what Eliza was up to in November because she did so much changing in December. However, for documentation sake, I will try to record what the peanut was up to at six months. 

Eliza at six months: 

-She weighs 14.6 pounds. She is still in the 20th percentile of weight, but gained a lot from her last visit. This is the first time since she was born we do not have a follow up appointment after her well-check up visit. So we go back again at nine months. 

-During Thanksgiving we sleep trained her again. It worked wonderfully for two nights, but has been rocky ever since. She has been roughly waking up once a night. Well, we try to just feed her once a night at least. In Texas, she pretty much stayed on this schedule as well. 

-She seems to be a little less sensitive tummy wise. After months and months of worrying about everything that I was eating, how much I was feeding her, questioning her health, I decided to just stop (for the most part). Once she started gaining weight again and realizing that her demeanor did not change all that much since I cut out wheat, I began to stop restricting my diet. It took me about two weeks to feel ok about letting myself eat wheat and dairy, but I think it really has not been bothering her. She does not have screaming fits like she used to and everyone just sees a baby with a smile constantly plastered on her face. I think she is probably just sensitive and will continue to get better with age.

-She can roll with a purpose. She is figuring out that she has control over her body and can command it to move (usually in the direction of Madison). She is still not sitting up on her own because I think she would rather be on her tummy figuring out how to get places. 

-She still enjoys cuddling. She still finds her way into our bed a lot of nights and sleeps snuggled in Will's arms. She is usually always content if we are holding her. I melt when she falls asleep on my chest when I rock her. 

-She has found her voice and can be quite loud. I just love this phase and all the noises that they make. 

I think I was right about it taking six months for us to find our rhythm. Maybe it was a self-fulfilling prophesy, but either way I think it is for real getting easier. Eliza will be crawling any day now. Madison is at an age where she is usually very compliant. Our days are a bit more predictable and so are our nights. I am worrying less about food restrictions and allergies. I am hopeful for what is to come. This Christmas season was a great time for us to reflect on our family and we feel extremely satsified with everything that we have in each other. 

I feel I am honestly excited about the coming months in Eliza's life. I do not feel like another obstacle is looming in the distance. The newborn days are tough on me and it is with mixed emotions I can say I am thankful they are getting farther away. 

We are so smitten with Eliza. She has captured our hearts. Her smile is so embedded in my mind that when I close my eyes its often the first thing I am visualizing. I love her so. 


Emily Powell said...

Newborns and young babies can just be hard! So glad things are getting easier for y'all!

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