Well, Eliza is eight months old. I have gotten even farther behind on my blog posts because of a broken computer. I am blogging from Will's Mac and so its quite a new experience for me. This month has been a pretty filled month, so hopefully I can play a little catch up, as usual.
-Eliza is just adorable. I love this age so very much. She is not as fragile and she is finally able to get her body to do the things she wants to do.
-She can wave "hi." She makes the cutest humming noise when she waves. I love how she starts waving and then catches a glimpse of her hand and gets distracted staring at it in wonder.
-She is "crawling." I use this term loosely because it is more of a arm pull. She stretches her arms out and then pulls her body behind her. Those legs of hers are just along for the ride. She has figured out how to move from room to room and to wherever Madison is at. This has presented some problems in Madison's world, but we are working through them.
-She is eating nearly everything. Well, everything that we have given her. She enjoys feeding herself and does not mind too much when we feed her. It is nice to have Madison share food with her when she is fussy. When we were running the other day, Eliza was really not happy. Madison kept giving her cheerios and helped to ease the crying, it was wonderful.
-She is sleeping a bit better. She still wakes up quite a bit at night, but we just let her cry until she falls back asleep. I am still not sure why she can not figure out how to just keep sleeping, but oh well.
-She still hates the car. We took a little road trip two weeks ago and she cried nearly the entire time we were in the car.
-She still loves to be held. She has also started crying whenever she sees me and dare I say, prefers me. Madison always preferred Will, so it is kind of nice to be the favorite.
- She is starting to babble. I love all the bababas, dadadas, and so on. She is very much a screecher. I think it is so funny when Madison starts mimicking her noises and they go back and forth with the screeches.
-She can sit up all on her own and really loves to flip from her stomach back to sitting.
What a cutie! I love, "This has presented some problems in Madison's world"...so funny :)
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