Here are me and my girls yesterday after breakfast. It was quite the snowy Mother's day, but it was still a wonderful day. Breakfast was delicious and both girls are very cooperative as long as there is food in front of them. I then went to the mall by myself for several hours. While Will took the girls to the grocery store. Then we topped the night off with chocolate covered strawberries and a movie. The movie we watched was, About Time, it was fantastic! So many parts of the film moved me and provoked a lot of thought, even Will said he thought it was good. Oh, and Will bought me a pair of Birkenstocks. I totally had a pair from high school up until last summer. Since they are back in style, Will bought me an updated version, they are red! He says he wanted to make sure I was the cool mom at the park, so very thoughtful.
Other highlights from our weekend included:
- Me running ten miles with the girls on Friday. I stopped at a park every thirty minutes to let them out and play, but it was still really difficult. The half-marathon I am running is next weekend, so this was the last long run. I kind of enjoyed touring around the neighborhood with the girls, I like the freedom of just putting them in the stroller and going. My goal for this summer is to get confident in pulling them in the bike trailer and spend our summer commuting that way.
- Heading up to Estes Park Friday night. We have friends that are starting an open air adventure park in downtown and they needed some extra help to put the finishing touches on the property. Will did manual labor all day on Saturday while our kids played together. It was a bit of a stressful trip because Eliza screamed the entire car ride and was up all night, but the change of scenery was still beneficial.
Today we are snowed in still. I have some school work to do for a class that started last week and maybe I can convince Will to finish our kitchen. The whole snow in May part of living in the mountains really gets to me. I am just so anxious for continuous warmth.
commented...hope it showed up! Love About Time.
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