
one month and two months

At one month Elliott had never been put down. She hopped from person to person but mostly stayed attached to me. With this being my fourth, I knew how fast each stage ends and I (mostly) enjoyed having the privilege of holding her. 

She loved being bounced on the exercise ball. 

She met both her grandparents, uncle Grant, aunt Erin, and cousin Archer this month. 

She ate every two hours during the day. She sometimes would go five hours at night. 

She started balding and lost almost all the hair she was born with. 

She had only one bath. 

Started having real smiles around 4 weeks and gave them out like candy at 6 weeks. 

At two months she weighs 11.4 lbs.

She can roll from her tummy to back. 

She is sleeping more in her room and can tolerate being put down. 

Has done several long stretches (7-8) hrs the first part of the night. I have learned not to get too excited, but I am slightly hopeful. 

She smiles and coos that melt our hearts. 

She eats every three hours during the day. 

She sometimes will take a pacifier but usually mouths it and then spits it out in disdain. 

She has gotten slightly better in the car. Luckily we do not go many places, but this is an improvement from her first month when she screamed until she sweat. 

She takes a bunch of cat naps during the day which is slightly annoying, but I know will work itself out eventually. 

She has not had an endless crying spell. She hardly ever cries and only when its time for food, sleep, or diaper change. Either she is our easiest baby or we have gotten better at parenting. 

We all love our little Elliott. Each sibling has taken their own unique interest in her. Madison enjoys more playing with her and talking. Eliza has taken on a full mothering mode, rocking her to sleep, heating up bottles, changing diapers, all the things. Micah sings her hush little baby if she is fussy, retrieves a pacifier, and will hold her for roughly 1/2 a second before he is all done. Never could have imagined this life and I am thankful for that. 



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