
three months


*Elliott turned three months on March 7! 

* They just change so much and I hardly remember the newborn look of her. She is smiling constantly and has a deep gurgle coo. She is not laughing yet. 

* She pretty much sleeps entirely in her room. I say that, but last night she slept in bed with us... She varies in her sleep at night. It seems to be a couple of nights eating at 10ish, 2 and then 7 while other nights she goes down around 8:30, wakes to eat around 3 and goes back until 7. She falls asleep on her own usually and will put herself back to sleep, we have never had a baby that does that! 

* She loves her people and constant eye contact. She yells until someone interacts with her. 

* She consistently rolls from tummy to back. Still has not figured out back to tummy yet. 

* She is always rubbing me with her free arm when she is nursing, I just love it. 

* She is doing the pop off while nursing to smile at me, melts me every time. 

* Car rides are much better. We still go hardly anywhere but at least she does not scream the entire time. Same with the stroller, I have taken her on several runs and she falls asleep. 

* I went back to work at the beginning of March. It was a rough first two days but I think that its getting better. I am only working two nights a week with some individual clients sprinkled on Sunday afternoons and on Mondays. It feels really manageable right now. I just always have anxiety about my milk supply and making sure I keep pumping (which I do not enjoy). 

We are all so in love with her. I knew that we would be thrilled once she is here but I spent a lot of last year anxious on how we could manage another baby. She is such a delight. I think she is thankful to be in our family as well. Her eyes light up each time she sees a sibling. In the mornings, she wakes up a bit fussy until they all crowd around the bed to greet her. 


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