So here it goes. The title comes from the song that Will and I stumbled through at our wedding. It also comes from the fact that we basically do everything together. I like to think that it is because we are so in love, but I have a feeling it is mostly the result of moving hundreds of miles away from everyone we know.
Here is a brief summary of the last year and a half of marriage for those who have been out of the loop...

We got married, whoop! Then honeymooned in the Dominican Republic.
Drove across the country to live in a place that will teach me what it means to truly be cold.
I became a nanny. That much to Will's dismay, has prepared me more than I would have liked at this age to be a mother.
We moved into a 450 sq. ft apt. There are really no pictures necessary for that because Will says it is the size of a broom closet.

The highlight of our year would be adopting the love of our life, Aspen. We officially became the crazy dog people who only communicate through stories about our dog.

The highlight of our year would be adopting the love of our life, Aspen. We officially became the crazy dog people who only communicate through stories about our dog.

And I learned how to knit.
Moving far away from everything we have ever known has turned out to be a damper on newlywed bliss, but we are making it and growing stronger through the whole process.
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