[1] When the lovely waitress has a tray packed full of food and her tiny little wrists look as if they might snap in half, please make eye contact with her while she attempts to unload all your food on the table. It is really not polite to continue your merry little conversation and ignore her existence, this makes her want to smash your food in your face.
[2] Along the same lines as number one. Please remember what you ordered. It was a maximum of fifteen minutes ago and the waitress who is delivering your food does not remember what you asked for (especially since I did not take your order).
[3] Oh, and when the waitress asks you oh so nicely, "Who had the burger?" and you just stare, please do not be offended when she puts the food down in front of whoever. She feels you are capable of picking up the plates and switching it yourself since you did not respond to her when she asked.
[4] Please do not ask the waitress, "What is the best thing on the menu?" We have like over 50 things on the menu, you really think I tried them all?
[5] Hang up the cell phone.
[6] Ok, I am on a roll... Parents, I understand you do not believe in discipline this day and age, but Please, Please get your child under control. When I am bussing a table and have a tray full of nasty remains, the last thing I want to do is try and push my way through your fighting/screaming toddlers. Well, unless of course, you want me to spill that tray of germ-infested food on their heads.
[7] It is not my lot in life to clean up your child's spilled drink for the fourth time. Please do not look down at me for working in a service position. There is really no excuse for having your child spill its drink that much and demand the staff to clean it up just because, "that's what we are made for."
I have only worked at Baja Fresh for maybe two weeks, and I have encountered all these things. However, the nice customers make up for the ones who fall into the categories above. For example, the other day I was bussing tables. Because I am so incredibly diligent, I got to work on a table as soon as this man got up to leave. Well, I noticed some stuff had been eaten, but basically his entire burrito remained. I thought this was odd, but went on my way. As soon as I get back to the dining room, this man is standing with his drink refilled and says, "I think someone just threw away my entire burrito." Ha, oops! He was completely understanding and we served him a new one right away. I was incredibly thankful for his realization that we all make mistakes.
I am off to go run a bit then go serve some food. We are going to a rock-climbing film tonight with our new married friends.
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