The end of the week was really the best part. I actually had places to go where I could wear clothing other than work out clothes or my Baja Fresh uniform. I had my first games as a coach. We also spent all day outside on Sunday rock climbing.
On Friday, we went to a math party. Every year the math department hosts a party for the faculty and graduate students. The appeal is fried chicken and two kegs. So I got to wear my Eddie Bauer sweater that I bought with the remainder of a gift card I had. As seen in the pictures, my boots made their appearance twice this weekend.
On Saturday, I woke up early again (We had 6:30 am practice on Friday) to ride the bus with 30 squealing junior high girls to a tournament. I was quite nervous about coaching. You know dealing with equal playing time, parent's complaints, etc. I ended up really enjoying myself. It comes really natural to me to coach and instruct them on how to properly play volleyball. (Mom, dad, I guess all that money you paid for me to play club volleyball is worth something) I only had one moment where I got "mad" at them. The game had started and we were on serve receive. However, for the first three points all my girls were standing straight up staring at the court next to us. Ha, really? Could you girls please look at OUR game!!
After the tournament, I crashed. We then took our friends dog (puppy) running. Dogs NEED exercise and it frustrates me when people complain about the behavior of their dogs when they aren't giving the dogs what the need. Anyway, we offered to take her dog running since we are running anyway. Then we went out to eat at Baja Fresh. The food is pretty good and I get a 50% discount. We headed to Target to just browse. We ended up being those people who take ridiculous pictures with ridiculous merchandise. We also got a good laugh out of a married couple shopping together. The man was following the wife around carrying all her pink items.
On Sunday, we went rock climbing with a couple that goes to our church. Will had advertised for a climbing buddy and this guy replied. We took Aspen with us and had a great time being outside all day. I did not climb, I just went running along the road they were climbing off of. I got a bit wigged out when every 50 feet there was a warning sign for bears. After, we had burgers, onion rings, and a shake. It was amazing!

OH! I forgot the mention that it was Aspen's Birthday! She is eight years old. We were a bit busy to really celebrate, but Will made her a birthday hat.
I am off to go work and the coach another volleyball game.
Hey Stephanie,
That outfit looks great! Sounds like you had an event-filled weekend!
- Paolo at Eddie Bauer
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