Besides me looking like a whale, I think this has got to be one of my favorite belly pictures. The stomach has grown, but I am sticking it out more than usual, which enhances the size.
Will's birthday on Wednesday ended up being really great. We went to a brick oven pizza place downtown. However, we did not realize how "uppity" it was. Nearly every table had a bottle of wine and everyone seemed to exude wealth. The tables were really close together and I really enjoyed getting to hear other people's conversation. Is that strange?
We have been munching on the cookie cake I made him all week and he has worn the shirt I bought him everyday since his birthday, ha.
I also knit my first baby item this week. Well, I finished it this week, because two weeks ago when I started, I became so flustered I threw it in the knitting bin and seriously contemplated throwing it away. The hormones do sometimes play a role in my reaction to things lately, but don't tell Will I admitted to that.
I have no idea when our child will need a wool sweater in Texas, but it kept me occupied for a bit. I feel the urge to get things situated for when the baby comes, but I am pretty much at a stand still because we are going to be moving. I did register at Target, but that is about all I can really do right now.

Will's birthday on Wednesday ended up being really great. We went to a brick oven pizza place downtown. However, we did not realize how "uppity" it was. Nearly every table had a bottle of wine and everyone seemed to exude wealth. The tables were really close together and I really enjoyed getting to hear other people's conversation. Is that strange?
We have been munching on the cookie cake I made him all week and he has worn the shirt I bought him everyday since his birthday, ha.
I also knit my first baby item this week. Well, I finished it this week, because two weeks ago when I started, I became so flustered I threw it in the knitting bin and seriously contemplated throwing it away. The hormones do sometimes play a role in my reaction to things lately, but don't tell Will I admitted to that.
I have no idea when our child will need a wool sweater in Texas, but it kept me occupied for a bit. I feel the urge to get things situated for when the baby comes, but I am pretty much at a stand still because we are going to be moving. I did register at Target, but that is about all I can really do right now.

We are going to go hiking, crossing our fingers Aspen doesn't unleash her aggression on any dopey golden retriever.
Two weeks from Monday we will have the ultrasound. I can. not. wait. Three weeks from Monday I will be in Texas with the bro bro. I. can. not. wait. for that either!
Two weeks from Monday we will have the ultrasound. I can. not. wait. Three weeks from Monday I will be in Texas with the bro bro. I. can. not. wait. for that either!
OMG Aspen is so cute in that picture!!!
You look awesome, Steph.
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