(after every picture, I ask Will, "does it look like I am pregnant?" and he replies with, "Sure, but all I can really see is your broken knees.")
Two weeks ago I had my sixteen week appointment with my lovely Dr. Everything still seems to be doing well and the heart rate is down to 153 beats per minute. I also scheduled the BIG ultrasound for February 28th just two days before I am twenty-one weeks. I say BIG because it is the one I have been anxiously waiting for. We have opted out of any sort of genetic screening because honestly the chances of us being carriers are really slim, but there is still the off chance something might not be developing properly with our little babe. So at the ultrasound we will get the chance to see the chambers of the heart, organs, brain formation, and also possibly the gender. The baby will actually look like a baby at this ultrasound. The countdown is three weeks, I am already praying for my nerves.
The exciting thing is that a week after the appointment I make my way down to Texas. The brother will be visiting before his pending deployment and I want to spend as much time possible with him. I will be staying two weeks and Will is going to fly down once his spring break kicks in. This is another benefit of not having a job, I can just take two week vacations. I have some great stuff arriving in the next month or so, but right now I am just sitting in anticipation of it all.
Will's 26th birthday is the Wednesday. I have actually put some thought into it this year. The week will include lots of homemade meals (I am really getting great at this cooking thing), a surprise dinner (he never reads this), a cookie cake, and maybe a hat for aspen. I was a slacker for our anniversary, but hopefully this will make up for it. All special occasions (Christmas, anniversary, Will's Birthday, Valentine's day, and my birthday) fall within three months of each other and it makes the creativeness somewhat difficult.
I wish I kept a log of all the pregnancy related comments Will makes because some are pretty ridiculous. For example, this one stands out in my mind.
Back Story: I have been trying to attempt to guess what I am going to look like when I am largely pregnant. Will I be huge everywhere, just in the stomach, etc. So I have discussions with Will about this a lot, here is how one went down....
Me: "So I think I may be one of those pregnant women who..."
Will: Interrupting me says, "who is huge as a house."
I must give him credit though. I have put him in a position to discuss all sorts of topics he could have gone a lifetime without discussing, but who else am I supposed to discuss these things with? He is really patient and attempts to partake in conversations even when they revolve around nasty birth stories.
One more pregnancy related topic (for now). I thought that maybe it was just in my paranoid head people that people have been giving me the stare down because of my bulging abdomen, but yesterday Will confirmed it was not just me. I have gotten to the point where I do not even look around in a public place to see who is looking at me. However, Will noticed this woman stare at my stomach, stare at Will, stare at our hands (for rings), stare at my stomach... I guess it doesn't help that Will looks sixteen.
That is pretty much all I can think of to write about. I keep hoping that someday I will have interesting topics to share, but until then just pregnancy.
I will leave you with this.
The exciting thing is that a week after the appointment I make my way down to Texas. The brother will be visiting before his pending deployment and I want to spend as much time possible with him. I will be staying two weeks and Will is going to fly down once his spring break kicks in. This is another benefit of not having a job, I can just take two week vacations. I have some great stuff arriving in the next month or so, but right now I am just sitting in anticipation of it all.
Will's 26th birthday is the Wednesday. I have actually put some thought into it this year. The week will include lots of homemade meals (I am really getting great at this cooking thing), a surprise dinner (he never reads this), a cookie cake, and maybe a hat for aspen. I was a slacker for our anniversary, but hopefully this will make up for it. All special occasions (Christmas, anniversary, Will's Birthday, Valentine's day, and my birthday) fall within three months of each other and it makes the creativeness somewhat difficult.
I wish I kept a log of all the pregnancy related comments Will makes because some are pretty ridiculous. For example, this one stands out in my mind.
Back Story: I have been trying to attempt to guess what I am going to look like when I am largely pregnant. Will I be huge everywhere, just in the stomach, etc. So I have discussions with Will about this a lot, here is how one went down....
Me: "So I think I may be one of those pregnant women who..."
Will: Interrupting me says, "who is huge as a house."
I must give him credit though. I have put him in a position to discuss all sorts of topics he could have gone a lifetime without discussing, but who else am I supposed to discuss these things with? He is really patient and attempts to partake in conversations even when they revolve around nasty birth stories.
One more pregnancy related topic (for now). I thought that maybe it was just in my paranoid head people that people have been giving me the stare down because of my bulging abdomen, but yesterday Will confirmed it was not just me. I have gotten to the point where I do not even look around in a public place to see who is looking at me. However, Will noticed this woman stare at my stomach, stare at Will, stare at our hands (for rings), stare at my stomach... I guess it doesn't help that Will looks sixteen.
That is pretty much all I can think of to write about. I keep hoping that someday I will have interesting topics to share, but until then just pregnancy.
I will leave you with this.
You're so cute! I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl. i'm 29 weeks already! it's going by so fast for me.
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