The one comment we always hear about Madison is how animated she is with her faces, well, and noises, but those are harder to photograph. She has the amazing ability to stop making a cute face as soon as the camera clicks, but here are a few. Notice the ever growing chin, the pound she gained last week went straight there.

We did not spend as much time running around the city, but we did stop by to see my dad, grandmother, and aunt. Madison slept the entire time. I am pretty sure my dad has only seen her sleeping. My dad also gave us with a gift card to a very fancy restaurant called, Taste of Texas. He wanted us to have a night away from everyone. Being able to leave Madison is getting easier, I mean leave her for a few hours. Especially since I knew I was leaving her with people who adore her as much as we do. It was great for Will and I to discuss and reflect on our relationship without any distraction.
I did have a brief moment of tears. Will was sharing how his dad came in the living room at 5 am to him rocking Madison back to sleep. He could tell that Will had been up for a while and looked exhausted and said, "Don't worry she will be sleeping through the night soon and you will miss this." I immediately burst into tears. Happy tears because I am so flooded with emotion thinking about how precious these moments are. Will and I both feel parenthood has been one of the greatest things we have done and do not want to wish any of it away (even getting up every two hours).

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