We actually made it out to church on Sunday. Madison had been up since five that morning, but did surprisngly well at church. I mean she did not really sleep at all during the service, but she sucked (very loudly) away at her pacifier, and I got my arm work out in by holding her the entire time (thanks Will).

Madison had her first bottle on Sunday. When my friend, Eliz, offered to take me to get a manicure and pedicure this weekend when we go to Houston, I had to make sure missy would take a bottle. She finished that bottle in five minutes and made me feel obsolete. I then had to make sure I wasn't and fed her myself afterward, which resulted in her overeating and having projectile spit up. So I think it is safe to say I am not replaced by a bottle yet.

Sometimes our self photo sessions do not go as planned. Madison looks thrilled to be kissed by her doting parents.
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