Our adventure to the Denver Art Museum. Madison explored with her mouth. I just focused on how strong her immune system will be after being exposed to so many germs. I had really wanted to back out and just let Will take Madison, but I decided that sleep can happen some other time and to make some memories with my family.

Just some pictures in our down time. Madison focusing on her toes and Aspen making sure I give her just as much attention.

This our wee little Christmas tree. Having a baby changes things and there was not going to be any forest excursions to chop down our own. So we did the next best thing and pushed our jogging stroller to Whole Foods. I did carry it back to our apartment myself, through the Target parking lot, past Gap, around the movie theater, and up our stairs, so it was pretty much like I braved the wilderness.
My mom has been in town these past couple of days, so I will many more pictures to share. Like my super duper trendy glasses that came in the mail and Madison having her first meal of avocado.
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