Five months just seems so old. It is almost six months, which is almost a year, which is almost eighteen. Hopefully, at some point soon I will come to better grips with how fast time is passing by. But for right now, I am still in shock time has past since July.
- Baby girl is no longer a sedentary blob. Everything from changing a diaper to eating is similar to unhooking a cat fish from a fishing pole. You best make sure you have a firm grip on her or she will wiggle herself right out of your arms. If I put her on the floor, I will come back to her facing the opposite direction.
- She is a grabbing fool. Nothing is safe within her reach. I have come in to check on her from a nap and she has unswaddled herself and pulled the blanket into her mouth. She is a great glasses grabber, aspen hair puller, bottle holder, pacifier picker uper, you get the idea. She is actually coordinated now, which is amazing to watch develop. She has also started reaching for me with both arms out straight, so great.
- She had her first taste of solid foods. I decided to skip rice cereal and go straight to the good stuff. Like avocado and bananas. Will thinks that it has messed up her sleep, but I mean she was not a champion sleeper before, so who knows. We are not feeding her a "meal" everyday, just few bites here and there. She is beyond excited for food though, which might break my heart a little bit.
- She always has a wide open mouth. It is hilarious that is the way she expresses herself. I tell her that it is a good thing we do not have flies in our home.
- We are still always being told how alert she is. This is the one comment that we have received since she was born. Everyone asks how old she is and then immediately replies, "oh, really, she is just so alert, I can not believe she is that young."
- She sleeps, just not exactly at the times I would like her to. She has been a mess the past two weeks at night. I try and follow everything the "books" say, but every baby is different, right?
- She has been left twice with non family member babysitters. She did wonderfully, except one of the times where she stayed up until ten, ha.
- She is very social and loves to be around people. She is usually always well behaved if we are out and about. She is mesmerized by all the new sounds and faces. She always makes eye contact if someone new approaches her to get a look.
This month has been really great. I have loved how many times just Will and I could get out with out Madison. It is such a freeing feeling to know I do not always have to be the one to take care of her.
She has been very entertaining with her constant learning and how fast her abilities are developing. I am thankful I get the opportunity to watch it all unfold.
Here are the outtakes. She apparently was not feeling very creative and stuck with the legs in the air pose.

- Baby girl is no longer a sedentary blob. Everything from changing a diaper to eating is similar to unhooking a cat fish from a fishing pole. You best make sure you have a firm grip on her or she will wiggle herself right out of your arms. If I put her on the floor, I will come back to her facing the opposite direction.
- She is a grabbing fool. Nothing is safe within her reach. I have come in to check on her from a nap and she has unswaddled herself and pulled the blanket into her mouth. She is a great glasses grabber, aspen hair puller, bottle holder, pacifier picker uper, you get the idea. She is actually coordinated now, which is amazing to watch develop. She has also started reaching for me with both arms out straight, so great.
- She had her first taste of solid foods. I decided to skip rice cereal and go straight to the good stuff. Like avocado and bananas. Will thinks that it has messed up her sleep, but I mean she was not a champion sleeper before, so who knows. We are not feeding her a "meal" everyday, just few bites here and there. She is beyond excited for food though, which might break my heart a little bit.
- She always has a wide open mouth. It is hilarious that is the way she expresses herself. I tell her that it is a good thing we do not have flies in our home.
- We are still always being told how alert she is. This is the one comment that we have received since she was born. Everyone asks how old she is and then immediately replies, "oh, really, she is just so alert, I can not believe she is that young."
- She sleeps, just not exactly at the times I would like her to. She has been a mess the past two weeks at night. I try and follow everything the "books" say, but every baby is different, right?
- She has been left twice with non family member babysitters. She did wonderfully, except one of the times where she stayed up until ten, ha.
- She is very social and loves to be around people. She is usually always well behaved if we are out and about. She is mesmerized by all the new sounds and faces. She always makes eye contact if someone new approaches her to get a look.
This month has been really great. I have loved how many times just Will and I could get out with out Madison. It is such a freeing feeling to know I do not always have to be the one to take care of her.
She has been very entertaining with her constant learning and how fast her abilities are developing. I am thankful I get the opportunity to watch it all unfold.
Here are the outtakes. She apparently was not feeling very creative and stuck with the legs in the air pose.

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