I guess I am technically 40 weeks tomorrow because June 17th is my due date.
We made it the full 40 weeks, which is really exciting. It means that my mom is here and Will is pretty much finished with his big deadline at work. I am still trying to practice patience and rest in knowing that this babe will make its appearance in its own time.
Will and I went out for a date last night and really enjoyed ourselves. I think tonight we might walk around target with out a toddler and get some treats at sonic. I am thankful that my mom is here and I have help with Madison. The only downside is that Madison seems to want nothing to do with us and only wants my mom. We are already witnessing some of the behavior Madison will likely be demonstrating once the baby comes. We are just hoping we can be patient and calm while she works through all our emotions.
Will thinks that I will go into labor tomorrow, so we will see. I still feel great and have been trying to rest up for the labor ahead of me. I am also getting a bit sad that this pregnancy is almost over. I have really enjoyed it so much more than I did with Madison. It also means a big chapter in our life is closing. I just get emotional over how fast time is passing, but hopefully once my hormones settle down I won't be such a mess.
Emotions are totally understandable! Lots of big changes ahead for everyone!
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