
one week of Eliza Lynn

This week: 

* Eliza has gained 10 ounces since birth, keep chugging girlfriend.
* We have had some great moments with just our family of four. I am loving having Will home with us all day. 
* I have been in charge of the girls all by myself for an hour and a half. 
* We have established a new bedtime of 9pm, these sleepless nights are no joke. 
* Madison has given Eliza 100 plus kisses. 
* Eliza's umbilical cord has fallen off which means I get to try and master giving both girls baths. 
* Eliza has increased our dirty laundry by twice the amount, how can such a small person make so many messes. It is one of things I had forgotten about Madison's newborn stage. 
* I am thankful this is my second baby. When things have been hard, trying to re-figure out breastfeeding, poop smeared all over my third outfit of the day, doing the nighttime shuffle of feed her, change her, swaddle her,  repeat... I know that this time will quickly come to a close. Things will get better and we will find our groove. The perspective that comes with this second child is such a blessing and I hope I can not fret as much this time around.


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