We still do not know the gender. Things did not go as planned this morning. The plan was to go to the ultrasound, have them write down the gender in an envelope, we go and have a blue or pink onesie wrapped up, go to sushi and open the present. I, however, did not pay close enough attention to the appointment time. So when I got a call right when I was walking out the door that I should have been there an hour ago, I was a mess. The long awaited ultrasound got pushed back until two and now we have decided to open the onesie tonight. Ah, the anticipation!
We had planned to tell our parents in person when we go back in a week, but I am dying to tell now. Will made me promise to not tell my mom, sorry mom! It will be fun to tell them in person since we did not get to tell them in person we were having a baby.
I feel incredibly blessed that the baby is beautifully healthy. I can not stop saying, "Our baby is healthy!" The pictures are not that great because lil' one did not cooperate for the photo booth, but they are still adorable. The one on the bottom is its little foot. Notice the defined calf, Will is very excited about the child's future athletic career, ha, boys!
Life is simply amazing. In 15 short weeks our little baby has transformed from a mere spec to a creature with facial features and organs, unbelievable.
I am filled with love.
I can't believe it, Steph. I can't wait to see you when you come to Texas in March!
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