How far along? 21 weeks
Total Weight gain? There is no doubt in my mind I will match Will's weight when this is all said and done. I am working on transforming my thoughts to positive ones regarding this issue.
Maternity Clothes? I mean I am getting fairly large so I have to make adjustments. This is a lame question.
Gender: We know! But we have to tell our parents in person before I will announce it here.
Movement: Slowed down these past two days. I did not realize how accustomed I had become to the movement greeting me every morning, I hope it returns soon.
Sleep: Still not that great. It does not help we live in a house with the girl who takes the award for most annoying voice and who loves demonstrating her ability right outside our doorway at all hours. Seriously, she is talking when I am going to bed, in the middle of the night, and then when I try and take a nap during the day because her talking kept me up all night! I am pretty much over having housemates in a house with paper as walls.
What I miss: Nothing too bad. I want to say my figure, but I know that this is an incredibly unique time, and chances are I will miss growing a little human when it is all said and done.
Symptoms: Good gosh the itching, peeling skin. Get me to a humid climate quick, it is awful! Forgetfulness. I do not appreciate the term "pregnancy brain," because I have done enough reading to know that it is not a scientific thing. However, I do feel "foggy" a lot. Hence, the missed ultrasound appointment and a laundry list of other items.
Best Moment of the Week: The ultrasound by far. I can not even describe how thankful I am for the baby's health.
I felt like I was crossing my fingers up until I had this ultrasound. Now, I feel like I can relax a bit and truly appreciate the pregnancy. It seems so sad because I should have been enjoying it from the beginning and taking it all in. My worrying is so bothersome sometimes.
As if this week hasn't been good enough, my mother bought me a manicure and pedicure gift certificate that I will be cashing in on Friday. I can not wait because it has been almost a year since I have gotten a pedicure. It was something that I indulged in often before I became a married woman. Now we have to budget, blah, and all I really desire to budget for right now is good food.
I will be in Texas in just a few short days. Yay, for brother time, family time, rodeo, sun, running outside, and friends. Time is really flying now. I am a bit sad about our days in Bozeman coming to a close, but that is another post for another day.
I felt like I was crossing my fingers up until I had this ultrasound. Now, I feel like I can relax a bit and truly appreciate the pregnancy. It seems so sad because I should have been enjoying it from the beginning and taking it all in. My worrying is so bothersome sometimes.
As if this week hasn't been good enough, my mother bought me a manicure and pedicure gift certificate that I will be cashing in on Friday. I can not wait because it has been almost a year since I have gotten a pedicure. It was something that I indulged in often before I became a married woman. Now we have to budget, blah, and all I really desire to budget for right now is good food.
I will be in Texas in just a few short days. Yay, for brother time, family time, rodeo, sun, running outside, and friends. Time is really flying now. I am a bit sad about our days in Bozeman coming to a close, but that is another post for another day.
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