I am not really accurate in guessing how many months I am, and I tend to exaggerate and lean towards whatever month is further along. My reasoning is that people are pregnant for 40 weeks and 40 divided by 4 is 10, so ten months pregnant not nine. Which means I am due in roughly four months.
Now that is cleared up, it seems crazy to me that I am already six months along. People can look and know for sure I am pregnant. Still makes me uncomfortable that people are staring at my body so intently.
I have been feeling wonderful. I really think that exercising is really beneficial. The only down fall is that my feet hurt while I am running/walking. I should probably get some new shoes since I did all of the marathon training in them, but I am assuming my body is just not used to the weight gain.
We had our first Hypnobirthing class on Tuesday and it gets me really excited about meeting our daughter. The premise of this natural birthing technique is to focus on breathing and training your mind to think positively. I believe that these skills will benefit me far beyond giving birth. The instructor has me practicing my calm breathing when I feel worry coming on. I also have several positive phrases that I try and focus on everyday. Statements like, "I will have a smooth birth." "Will and I will work as a team during labor." Statements that are definite and do not have lofty words like, I hope, I wish, Possibly, in them.
I forgot to mention Will's first quote after finding out that we were having a girl. With a really bugged eye look, "This means we are going to have to start saving for her wedding, how are we going to do that?" Ha, I thought it was funny that was the first thing he considered. Oh, how different our minds are.
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