( My photographer cut off my head, how rude!)
Fifteen weeks left! When I think it seems far away, I remember that I have already seen fifteen weeks fly by in this pregnancy.
I had a monthly doctor's visit on Tuesday and everything is still looking great. I am very lucky to have a Dr. who does not feel the need to say anything about my weight gain. Will told me, " I think that the weight gain will level off at some point, I mean it has to, right?" Well, lets hope so William!
The only "issue" I have had this week was some sharp pain in the lower left side of my belly. It happened last night after Yoga and I am thinking I might have overdone it. I did call the Dr. when the pain hit again this morning. The worrier I am wanted to make sure it wasn't pre-term labor. The nurse eased my worries and gave me a reason to not work out today. The reassuring thing was that lil girl was kicking the entire time exactly where the pain was. So obviously we were not sharing the same pain.
Will finished with the last of his comprehensive exams for graduate school this week. Several of the professors he has taken classes with expressed to him how they would take him on as a PhD student in a heartbeat. I think it is really flattering for Will that they think so highly of him. We both agree it will be good for him to get some work experience before going back to school though.
I believe I am being forced into temporary running retirement. I had visions of running up until the day I gave birth, but apparently my feet do not share the same dream. I even bought new shoes to hope ease the pain, but I almost cried through out my entire run. I will just have to be a speed walker or something. I am thankful I am able to some what comprehend how fleeting this time in pregnancy is. I know that I am capable of working up to long distances again, but right now my body is a vessel for an entire other life. A life that will be here in a blink of an eye and pregnancy will be over just like that.
I also may have made some baby purchases this week. I know I have to stop because we will probably be given items, but it is hard to resist. The gap skinny jeans, the owl onesie, and the striped onesie I bought. They were all on sale and I refuse to spend more than five dollars on a onesie. The jeans, were a "splurge." But seriously, how cute will the jeans be on our little chunky baby. The other onesies were given to me, I just love them.

And those are my new shoes that did not help with foot pain and are already stained with mud. The combination of those things did not mix well with pregnancy hormones, ha.
We are off to walk to the bank and stop by the knitting shop. We are hopefully having hamburgers with Will' sister tomorrow. Yum, my mouth is watering now.

( My photographer cut off my head, how rude!)
Fifteen weeks left! When I think it seems far away, I remember that I have already seen fifteen weeks fly by in this pregnancy.
I had a monthly doctor's visit on Tuesday and everything is still looking great. I am very lucky to have a Dr. who does not feel the need to say anything about my weight gain. Will told me, " I think that the weight gain will level off at some point, I mean it has to, right?" Well, lets hope so William!
The only "issue" I have had this week was some sharp pain in the lower left side of my belly. It happened last night after Yoga and I am thinking I might have overdone it. I did call the Dr. when the pain hit again this morning. The worrier I am wanted to make sure it wasn't pre-term labor. The nurse eased my worries and gave me a reason to not work out today. The reassuring thing was that lil girl was kicking the entire time exactly where the pain was. So obviously we were not sharing the same pain.
Will finished with the last of his comprehensive exams for graduate school this week. Several of the professors he has taken classes with expressed to him how they would take him on as a PhD student in a heartbeat. I think it is really flattering for Will that they think so highly of him. We both agree it will be good for him to get some work experience before going back to school though.
I believe I am being forced into temporary running retirement. I had visions of running up until the day I gave birth, but apparently my feet do not share the same dream. I even bought new shoes to hope ease the pain, but I almost cried through out my entire run. I will just have to be a speed walker or something. I am thankful I am able to some what comprehend how fleeting this time in pregnancy is. I know that I am capable of working up to long distances again, but right now my body is a vessel for an entire other life. A life that will be here in a blink of an eye and pregnancy will be over just like that.
I also may have made some baby purchases this week. I know I have to stop because we will probably be given items, but it is hard to resist. The gap skinny jeans, the owl onesie, and the striped onesie I bought. They were all on sale and I refuse to spend more than five dollars on a onesie. The jeans, were a "splurge." But seriously, how cute will the jeans be on our little chunky baby. The other onesies were given to me, I just love them.

And those are my new shoes that did not help with foot pain and are already stained with mud. The combination of those things did not mix well with pregnancy hormones, ha.
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