I had picked out four different types of fabric that all complimented each other when I was home in March. I really liked the way the green would match the stems in the flowers and the pink would match the flowers, I thought they went really well together.
I decided I wanted to make two pillows for whatever gliding chair we had for the nursery, some wall hangings, a bumper, and a crib skirt. My mother slaved over the pillows. I think they turned out beautifully. I then used scrap pieces of fabric for the wall hangings. I am not sure when we will start on the crib items, but we still have plenty of time, ha! (less than two months, whaat?)
We also decided on a place to live yesterday. We found a sublease from June until October in some luxury apartments. It is only one bedroom, but compared to what we are used to, its a mansion. Little things that most people take for granted (dish washer, stove, closets, doors, garbage disposal), we are so excited about finally having. Hopefully within four months we will have a better grasp what our future holds. I think that the apartment is in the perfect location because it is right next to Sonic. Load up on as many pregnancy cravings as possible, ha!
Well, I am off to continue living the retiree lifestyle.
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