I began typing this post last night when fireworks were going off in celebration of Osama bin Laden's death. I am pretty anxious to see what this means for my brother and the other troops over in Afghanistan. I wonder how they told everyone on Grant's base the news.
Well, here is week twenty nine's update. It is a little late since I will be thirty weeks on Wednesday, crazy!

I had my Gestational Diabetes test this week and passed it, but discovered I am anemic. I was pretty sure I was, but I would rather not take iron pills. I also had another meeting with the scale which always has me down for a few days, but I seem to have snapped out of it a bit quicker this week.
Baby girl got the hiccups for the first time this week and we both got to feel them. Will seemed pretty concerned and kept saying, "shh, baby its ok. Why won't they stop, is it ok they are so close together?" I reassured him it was a very normal occurrence.
She is still hanging out sideways in my lower abdomen. So I do not have any of the typical pregnancy complaints of her kicking my ribs, she has not discovered how to move above my belly button yet.
We also watched the movie, The Business of Being Born, this weekend. I thought it was interesting to see the way in which American doctors view the act of giving birth. Will seemed less than excited for me to have the baby in the hospital after watching the movie. I just feel it helps to be better educated about what to possibly expect. To help us stand firm when they try and pressure us to put medicine in my body that is not medically necessary.
This last week was my last full week in Bozeman. I was fairly busy with dinner dates, babysitting, and substitute teaching jobs. It is a bit sad to leave, but I am thankful the weather has been horrible, it eases the move to sunny weather. It will also be strange to not see Will every waking moment. We have grown used to seeing each other very often over this past two and a half years. Will thinks it will be good for us since we tend to get annoyed with each other, I told him I didn't know what he was talking about because I surely never get annoyed with him :)
Well, I am off to work out on the elliptical we inherited from a friend.
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