Pregnancy discomforts have slowly crept up on me this past week. I am not fully able to describe the discomfort but my insides hurt and are creaky. I can feel her whole body (I have grabbed her little feet several times this week and poked her noggin) and since she weighs around 4 pounds, I can feel the weight of her now. The times I am most uncomfortable are when I am sitting or lying down, which is awesome. Exercising and swimming is the only time I do not hurt. I am hoping this was just a temporary result of a growth spurt because I still have several more weeks of growing to do, people to see, and places to be.
It has been two weeks since I left Bozeman. I am getting pretty anxious to see Will again. I think that this time apart is really going to benefit us, but it still gets hard sometimes. I am looking forward to having some uninterrupted Will time before the baby gets here. I have no idea how to fully soak up and relish the fact its not going be us two from here on out, but I at least want to try.
My mother and I got to speak with Grant this morning. I think its funny that I have spoken to him more since he deployed than I did the entire time he was stationed in D.C. He finally received all of our mail, so feel free to send him stuff. The address I posted a while back is still correct. I am thankful he is able to communicate so much with us because then he can see pictures of baby girl and share in this moment with us.
It is a bit cloudy this morning. Those clouds better burn off because the only thing on my to do list today is get some more sun, ha. I actually do not mind the clouds because a cloudy day here is still twenty times better than the weather in Bozeman.
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