The first set of pictures are right before she was born and when she was just minutes old. She came out screaming and did not stop for the first hour it seemed. She also surprised us with a head full of brown hair. Well, the front is blond/balding and the back is long and brown.

Then we transferred into our own room. We had to stay a full 48 hours because I was Group B strep positive and they had to make sure that it did not make its way into Madison's body. Since I had her so late at night, we stayed until Sunday morning. These pictures were taken the second day because I was actually able to get up out of bed that day.

(Every swaddle was done by William, Madison does not realize how lucky she is to have him as her daddy)

Yay! We finally get to go home. She was quite the trooper and loved riding in the car. Her little newborn onesie is hanging off of her. She has some plumping up to do.

Finally home! Of course, big sister Aspen, was waiting with a mouth full of kisses. Aspen was so excited to see us again and jumped all over Will. However, her excitement quickly escalated whenever she saw the present waiting for her in the car seat. We let her sniff Madison and lick her, but Aspen's tongue covers Madison's entire face, so she only got in a few good ones before we pulled Aspen off of her. Then when Madison needed a diaper change and began to whine Aspen made her way in the bathroom to help Will.
We have only been home for a couple of hours and Madison has had four dirty diaper, soiled an outfit, and peed all over the changing table. Will's mom is still here helping us to take care of her and my mom is on full grandma duty also.
Our heads are still spinning a bit. It is strange to see pictures of just a few days ago where I was pregnant and now I have a little baby. I still have a long road ahead of me of feeling myself again, but I honestly am enjoying every bit of this parenting thing. I do not want any more days to go by and wish I could freeze time. We are beyond blessed and I can not stop being thankful for all that we have been given and the love we have received.
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