I had another doctors appointment today. Initially whenever the nurse weighed me, she said that I had lost 14 pounds since last week. This was obviously a bit concerning, but turns out I only had lost about 2 pounds since last week. At least I am not gaining any more weight.
The doctor said I am still progressing a bit. I asked him, "So, we just sit and wait?" He replied with, "Unless you want me to go ahead and induce you..." As tempting as that sounds, I will not even consider induction until I go past my due date. He did schedule me for an appointment on Monday to try and get things moving along. It looks like the end might really be in sight now.
After the appointment my mother treated me to a manicure and pedicure. Whenever I finish an item on my to- do list, I always wonder, is this what the baby is waiting on me to do? Turns out installing the car seat, cleaning the car, getting bags packed, decorating another onesie, buying a changing pad, having my legs shaved, are all things she could care less about.
I am extremely thankful for a baby that has cooked the right amount of time. I know that there are a lot of women who would have loved to have a full-term baby, so I am trying to keep that in mind. Plus, as Will says, I have not even reached my due date yet. So I am just going to sit and be patient, while watching the seasons of Friday Night lights on Netflix.
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