I came out after showering yesterday to find Will attempting to meet the needs of our hungry baby. His form was excellent, but there still was a little something missing.
Even though he can not feed Madison yet (I mean, since we have not given her a bottle...), he does just about everything else. I would not be able to do this whole parenting thing without him. He changes nearly all the diapers, does almost all the rocking, for sure does all the swaddling, and then manages to make sure I have food to eat. He is a constant encouragement to me, like whenever our baby constantly thrusts herself away from the food source and I am left frustrated at 3 am. Not to mention all the attention he gives our other, more furry, daughter.
To say his girls are going to miss him when his job beckons him in September, is quite the understatement. He is the rock to all of us.
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