Turns out I have been slacking on the picture taking lately. I had high hopes of getting some pictures on Thanksgiving since for the first time in a long time we had someone else to take pictures of us, but that did not happen. Just imagine us all looking super cute and put together. I did remember to take pictures when we went to the zoo the day before Thanksgiving.
The biggest attraction seemed to be the giraffes. I loved getting to pet the giraffes instead of just staring at them behind cages. I wish that they had this option with some of the other animals, like the adorable gorillas or ginormous hippos. But I am sure there is a bigger liability with animals that do a bit more than outstretch their necks and lick crackers out of people's hands.

We did get one family photo, thanks Becca! We were keeping warm inside the hippo, penguin, and reptile exhibit. It was a bit colder than I had expected and my choice of sandals was probably not the brightest.
Madison was wiped out after have two screaming fits in the car and looking at everything at the zoo. She did not move for thirty minutes straight.
Madison also has a new trick of blowing bubbles. I captured the face she makes mid-blow. We think it is hilarious.
Just another picture of Will being super dad and carrying Madison around for me.

It was really great to have friends from out of town here. I realized again how hard it is for me to get out of the house with the baby. I get overwhelmed with trying to balance the outing with her nap, feeding schedule. It is nice to have people here who encourage me to get out. Even though doing things with a baby is a lot more difficult, I am always thankful that we got to experience one more thing with Madison.
I was so incredibly thankful for everything God has given me this year. It is hard to believe that last Thanksgiving the idea of Madison was just being introduced to our family. So glad that she gets to celebrate the holidays outside my tummy this year.