1. I had this bright idea I would dress Madison up in Hawaii attire and send a picture to my brother to lift his spirits and show how eager Madison is to visit him in Hawaii. Well, I think these two pictures pretty much sum up how it went. Putting a bikini top and fake lei on a wiggling baby is not easy and once again things did not go how I had envisioned them in my mind.
2. Madison has really gotten the hang of grabbing items and pulling them straight to her mouth. Will's cheek is no exception. The funniest part was how she would launch herself forward and make this incredible "aaagghh" noise. I video taped it, but it is probably only hilarious to us.
3. We struggled with getting Madison to nap this weekend. So when we had finally had enough we decided to just bring her out to hang out with us. Little stinker was as happy as a clam (are clams happy??) once we removed her from the crib.
4. My baby has grown so big she is finally able to ride in the carrier the proper way. We went on a fairly long walk with her and she finally fell asleep, once she finished looking around. She refuses to rest her head on my chest, which kind of hurts my feelings, but little one must be looking at whatever is going on.
5. Since her new skill of grabbing and pulling has developed, she loves her burp cloths. She pulls them into her face and rubs them all around, while making ridiculous noises.
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