- She has still not learned how wonderful sleep is or much better of a mommy it makes me. One week, she will fall asleep on her own and go back to sleep if she wakes up. The next week, she will scream for over an hour when I try a little bit of "crying it out." Every day its a gamble, and we still go to bed with hopeful expectations, that tonight is the night she will only wake up once.
- She loves to be around people and other babies. She makes sure her voice is known above every other noise and is extremely content to look at everything around her. We left her for the first time in the nursery at church and she just sat happily while all the other kids screamed around her.
- She is trying diligently to suck her thumb. But that dang pointer finger keeps going right up her nose, she can not figure out how to correct that issue. She only tries to suck her left thumb. Is this the first sign we will have a lefty?
- She is reaching and grabbing now. This should make our life even more interesting. Pulling Aspen's hair, pulling cups off tables, ripping lips right off our faces, all will be future occurrences.
Four month check up is today. That means shots. But I will be prepared this time with Tylenol and appointment at a time when Will can attend.
Now, for the outtakes.
Happy four months little one! Can not wait to see what all you are going to discover this month. Sleeping through the night, maybe??
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