[don't be alarmed by the unflattering faces, that is just our "Oh my gosh, we are in the car with out the baby," faces]
The only times that we have left Madison alone with anyone has been when we are around our family. I know that at some point we need to venture out and hire a babysitter, but I am just not ready for that yet. The last time we went out was when Madison was one month old and it was when we were in Texas. So we were definitely feeling the need to be out alone.
Luckily, I have a wonderful mother-in-law, and we had the opportunity to get out all three nights she was here. The first night we just walked Aspen alone and stopped to get some Apple Chai tea. The next night we went to the Pub that is across the street from us for appetizers and beers. Then the final night we went out to dinner at a Italian restaurant down town. Madison found her way into the conversation a few times, but it was surprisingly easy to talk about other things besides the little baby we made.
I am still trying to make sure my priority pyramid does not shift from loving God first, my husband second, and children third. I believe, the majority of problems are caused when couples stray from this. It is a tricky balance right now because Madison would literally not survive if I did not give her a certain amount of attention, but finding time away and being intentionally with that time is vital.

Another side effect of having a baby, is that out of town visitors are not that entertained. We were not able to just get in the car and drive all over the mountains because Madison can not stay in the car seat all day, and thrives off her nap schedule. So if you come and visit, you are forewarned, we live fairly uneventful lives now.
We did go to a very nice restaurant on Sunday for brunch. Even though it interrupted Madison's nap, she did wonderfully. We happily ate all we could, buffets are a dangerous thing.
Now we are just resting before our next guests arrive for Thanksgiving.
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