Little miss Madison is much more expensive than any piece of jewelry I own, but I tend to accessorize with her a lot more. She likes that close human contact at all times. This is great for snuggle time, but not so great for vacuuming or doing anything else. So my solution is to "wear" her. I just bought the sling featured above and she seems to be very fond of it. We get lots of looks whenever we walk Aspen. I do not mind because they just wish they could accessorize like me, ha.
Today, I wore Madison on a two mile hike with a mom's group called, Colorado Mountain Mammas. It was so nice to get out of the house and talk with other moms for a few hours. They have hikes several times a week, so I will have some adult interaction to look forward to. We have noticed that most of the people we meet with children are a good ten years older than us. It seems to be difficult to find people who are as young, but that is ok, I still enjoy talking to them about mom things. It is just strange because they have all had careers before becoming pregnant and I am still waiting to hopefully, maybe, someday actually use my degree. It seems to be a bit backwards than others.
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