1. We went walking on Saturday night and got cornered by two older women. They thought that Madison was the most adorable thing and insisted they take a picture of us. Luckily, I had my camera in tow. If I notice that any one, especially older individuals, are trying to look at Madison, I try to make sure they get a chance to really look at her. Babies seem to bring people such joy and I love being able to give them that.
2. Another attempt to get Madison to smile. As soon as that camera comes out she is all business. Luckily, she did not spit up on me this time. There have been more than a few times where when I lift her up like this, she spews right into my mouth.
3. I am not sure I will ever have a decent photo with Madison, but I will keep trying.
4. Madison clearly enjoyed church. The message really touched her.
5. On Friday, we went to a little pizza place that sells personal sized pizzas. It was delicious. I am pretty sure I could have eaten two. I am always impressed with the odd combinations that go on pizza, but still taste amazing. Like barbeque sauce, pineapples, chicken, and bacon, who would have thought?
[Not pictured: We went on a five mile run around this lake a couple miles from our home. It was a beautiful day with great views of the fall colors and mountains. Madison only fussed the last couple of minutes, but she did have a huge dirty diaper, so I guess that is excusable. Also, due to a miss understanding (I went to use the bathroom, swore I told him I will be right back, he obviously had not heard me...), Will drove off with out me and left me stranded at the lake. Luckily, I used the age old advice of staying in one place whenever lost, and he eventually came back for me.]
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