
Three Months

Madison has officially graduated from the "fourth trimester." In the baby books I read, they refer to the first three months as the fourth trimester because they are still so helpless. She is still pretty helpless, but much less of a blob, ha.

* Madison has perfected her grin. I swear I can see her sense of humor developing. Her best smiles are in the morning when we cuddle in bed.

* Her hair really has a red tint to it now. Her eyelashes and eyebrows seem to be coming in red, Her eyes are a beautiful blue, they glow when we go outside.

* Like I mentioned earlier, she is a hand eater. She has not discovered her thumb because it is always tucked underneath her other fingers. Will is worried she will never have use of her thumbs because she never stretches them out. I think it is just a development thing, but right now her hand sucking is hilarious, with or with out a thumb.

* Everything I have read about establishing healthy sleep habits says to make sure there is a set bedtime routine, one that usually involves bath time. So determined to get her to sleep more, I had been trying to give her a bath as part of the routine. Until, I discovered that instead of calming my daughter at the end of the day, it gets her going. She is so pumped up after bath time that there is no way she can fall asleep. Bath time is now in the morning or afternoon to kill time until Will gets home. Another reminder that every baby is different.

* I have been trying to make the most of the time with her when she is awake, so I tried reading books to her. She is not a fan of books. I felt sad that my daughter would grow up to hate books, but then I realized it was because there was not any eye contact with her when I would read. She thrives off of my undivided attention and right now books take that attention away from her. She is much more content to just stare into my eyes.

* She is excellent at spitting up as soon as I get her dressed in the morning. As soon as I lift her up from the changing table, she lets it spew everywhere. I think its a ploy to stay on the changing table longer, she still loves being up there.

* She has been lifting her head up when I feed her to stare at me. It seems as if she is just checking if I am still there. This is hilarious to me because, of course, I am still here Madison, who do you think you are attached to. I think it is just because she is very curious about her surroundings and staring at one thing for ten minutes is much too boring.

We are so thankful we have been given this gift of Madison. I know she is the best baby for us. She is a wonderful mixture of being an "easy" baby and then being pretty demanding. Just to make sure we do not get too arrogant about how great our baby is, she will throw things at us, like, waking up every two hours at night again.


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